Inquiry #

Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH

Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH(76790) 1枚目
Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH(76790) 1枚目 (small)
Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH(76790) 2枚目 (small)
Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH(76790) 3枚目 (small)
Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH(76790) 4枚目 (small)
Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH(76790) 5枚目 (small)
Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH(76790) 6枚目 (small)
Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH(76790) 7枚目 (small)
Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH(76790) 8枚目 (small)
Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH(76790) 9枚目 (small)
Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH(76790) 10枚目 (small)
Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH(76790) 11枚目 (small)
Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH(76790) 12枚目 (small)
Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH(76790) 13枚目 (small)
Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH(76790) 14枚目 (small)
Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH(76790) 15枚目 (small)
Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH(76790) 16枚目 (small)
Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH(76790) 17枚目 (small)
Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH(76790) 18枚目 (small)
Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH(76790) 19枚目 (small)
Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH(76790) 20枚目 (small)
Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH(76790) 21枚目 (small)
Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH(76790) 22枚目 (small)
Nissan UD quon Large Tractor head(single) 2DG-GW6EAH(76790) 23枚目 (small)
  • Model Year

    2024 (R06)

  • Loading Cap

    5,314,018,000 kg

  • Mileage

    0.1万km (Actual Mileage)

  • Certificate

    2025(R07) 01月

  • Location


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Calling For Details

Truckers #76790


OPEN: Mon.-Fri. 9 am to 6 pm. CLOSED: Sat., Sun. and holidays.

Selling Points

第五輪荷重18t GWクオン エアサス GH13 530馬力 ツーデフ エスコットVII 12速AT UDアクティブステアリング PTOスイッチ ダンプレバー ハイルーフ デフロック アルコアアルミホイール ベッド付 エアサスシート 運転席シートヒーター クラリオンバックモニター ETC2.0 Bluetooth アダプティブクルーズコントロール 前方衝突警告 車線逸脱防止警告 ドライバーモニター

Terms and Conditions

Chassis Number Locaion Schedule Strip Paints Cabin Paints
- Chiba Estimated pick-up period: TBD - -

Vehicle Information

Manufacture Nissan UD Size Large
Body Type Tractor head(single) Brand quon
Mileage 1,000km (Actual Mileage) Model Year 2024/R6 01Month
Loading Capacity 5,314,018,000kg Gross Vehicle Weight(GVW) 62,230kg
Model 2DG-GW6EAH Chassis Number *********
Dimension Length 691 cm×Width 249 cm×Height 335 cm Seating Capacity -
Cabin Roof - Width of Cabin -
Bed - Transmission -
Number of Pedals - Suspension -
Drive System 6×4

Registration Information

Status Inspection certificate remains Expiration Date 2025/R7 01月

Engine Information

Fuel Type Diesel fuel Engine Model GH13
Horsepower - Displacement -
Turbo -

Body Information

Manufacture - Model Year -
Tail Gate Lifter Power gate non equipped Body-Replacement -
Inside Dimension Inside body length 0 cm×Inside body width 0 cm×Inside body height 0 cm

Operating System Condition

Engine Unconfirmed Transmission Gear Unconfirmed
Clutch Unconfirmed Radiator Unconfirmed
Air Conditioner - Tail Gate Lifter -
Option Structure Operation - Power windows -
Side Mirror - Headlight -

Interior and Exterior Condition

Check Engine Light - Chassis Condition -
Chassis Number's Visibility - Oil Bleed / Oil Leak -
Air Leak - Repair or Accident History -

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